Laptop mit langem Software-Support

Um die von @skalavagr genannten Vorwürfe bzgl der Sicherheit von Framework etwas zu ergänzen -
Es gibt einen guten Artikel von ArsTechnica, der die Probleme zusammenfasst:

[…] Framework has struggled with the other side of computing longevity and sustainability: providing up-to-date software.
Driver bundles remain un-updated for years after their initial release. BIOS updates go through long and confusing beta processes, keeping users from getting feature improvements, bug fixes, and security updates. In its community support forums, Framework employees, including founder and CEO Nirav Patel, have acknowledged these issues and promised fixes but have remained inconsistent and vague about actual timelines.

Da der Artikel in der Community ziemlich hochgekocht ist, gibt es auch ein offizielles Statement des Unternehmens:

We recognize that we have fallen short of where we need to be on software updates, and we are making the needed investments to resolve this.
we’ve resolved both infrastructure and process issues that now make it faster for us to iterate on BIOS and driver updates on each platform. Obviously, our words here are not enough. We need to and commit to demonstrating this by actually improving both our iteration speed on software updates and our communication processes around them.

Ob solche Versprechen einem ausreichen, muss jeder für sich entscheiden. Ich persönlich hoffe wirklich, dass sie es schaffen, ihre Probleme zu fixen.

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